HR Central K.K. | Your integrated human resources solutions partner in Japan

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Founding Member: The Japan HR Society (JHRS)
HIRERIGHT SERVICES | Profiling and Assessments
Authorized Solution Provider- JAPAN
HR Central K.K. is an authorized solution provider and accredited consultant in Japan of the internationally recognized Harrison Assessments (HA) profiling tools and techniques designed to assist in the selection, recruitment, and development of current and future employees.
We offer easy to use tools that allow you to match individual traits, preferences and competencies to your position requirements and team dynamics. We can incorporate your company's values and culture into these tools - for the purpose of employee selection, development and retention.
Our tools allow you to leverage the strengths of your potential and existing employees and discover the hidden paradoxes or inconsistencies that can impact job performance and satisfaction. In addition, HA questionnaire and reports are available in 12 different languages including Japanese. This alone makes HA a truly universal profiling tool!
To learn more about our HA-based profiling services and how they can help you solve your "people puzzle," watch the HA Video Presentation, download the HA Brochure, or click below resource links. Contact us if you have any questions or request for a free HA demo or trial.
More Resources on HA
Why Use HA
Simple answer: Because Harrison Assessments (HA) is arguably the best profiling tool in its class. You can also watch this short video why use HA.
With almost 30 years of history behind its use, it is more than a personality assessment but above all it is a total profiling solution to the entire people value chain.
There are two underlying theories that are integrated in the HA methodology. The first is called Enjoyment-Performance Theory and is based upon Behavioral Theory. The second is called Paradox Theory and is an extension of the "psychological opposites" theories explained by Jung and Freud.
HA Sample Reports
Harrison Assessments offers the most detailed and informative reports in the industry. Our reports are specific to each person and each position. The reports are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download Adobe Acrobat.
Recruitment Package Reports
Job Success Analysis | Compares a person to the behavioral requirements of a job
How To Attract | Key points that will help convince a top candidate to accept a job offer
Interview Guide | Worksheet with behaviorally-based interviewing questions
Engagement and Retention Analysis | Analyzes organizational behavior related to employee expectations. The report provides insight to further employee engagement, increase performance, and improve business outcomes.
Recruitment Package | When run from within a recruitment campaign, the recruitment reports come as a package and the reports include the consideration of Eligibility, Suitability and Interview factors. This package contains the Job Success Analysis, Interview Guide and the How To Attract reports.
Development Reports
Development For Position | A development plan for each of two traits that would most improve performance for a specific person related to a specified job
Manage, Develop, Retain | Key points to effectively manage, develop and retain selected employee
Job Success Analysis | Compares a person to the behavioral requirements of a job
Main Graph Report | Overview of trait relationships. Requires expert training to interpret (optionally highlights traits related to a job)
Paradox Report | Analysis of paradoxical behaviors (optionally highlights traits related to a job)
Summary Keywords | A summary and key word descriptions of the individual's job-related behavior
Traits Definitions | An individual's scores on all the primary traits listed in order of the highest score and optionally highlights the traits related to the job
Engagement and Retention Analysis | Analyzes organizational behavior related to employee expectations. The report provides insight to further employee engagement, increase performance, and improve business outcomes.
Team Reports
Group Screening | Compares a group of people to the behavioral requirements of a job
Team Main Graph | A graphical overview of the relationship between traits for a group of people
Team Paradox Graph | A graph showing a group of people plotted against each of the twelve paradoxes
Trait Export | An export of all the scores from all the traits for a selected group of people (used for analyzing performance factors or organizational culture)
Team Engagement and Retention Analysis | Analyzes organizational behavior related to a group of employee expectations. The report provides insight to further employee engagement, increase performance, and improve business outcomes for a group of employees.
Career Reports
Career Enjoyment Analysis | Compares an individual to the specific requirements of a particular career
Career Development | Personalized guidance for an individual's career development
Career Options | A list of careers that would provide the greatest job satisfaction for a specified individual
Your Greatest Strengths | Describes your greatest strengths. Some of the strengths described are paradoxical pairs of traits where two strengths seem to be opposite or contradictory. but in fact are complementary or synergistic.
What's Next
Learning is half the battle. If you want to start recruiting , retaining, and developing talents to help your organization achieve success, contact us for a free HA demo and trial!
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