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CONSULTING SERVICES | Outplacement Support Services

To support your restructuring or reduction-in-force (RIF) exercise in Japan, we can assist your affected employees with our one-on-one Career Transition and Counseling Services.

We believe that by offering this form of "outplacement support service," you are giving the affected employees a fair chance to not only quickly re-enter the workforce but more importantly to help them find the right job that maximizes their natural strengths and work preferences. After all, your departing employees have one way or the other contributed to the success of your company.

In addition, this service is designed to help them manage through this career transition by giving them practical advice and insights culled out from our years of experience as HR professionals.

Contact us NOW and help your ex-employees help themselves.

Scope of Outplacement Support Services

Knowing “what makes you tick” or one’s natural talents, abilities, and temperaments, work preferences, and interests is not only supporting self confidence but also helps an individual find the right job or career for him/her.

Job market strategies and techniques

Getting started and understanding the job search process and what strategies and techniques can be used to help find their new jobs/careers.

Practice makes perfect. This session aims to provide employees with practical do’s and don’ts when going for a job interview as well as negotiating the right compensation package for them.

This session puts all together all the learning and insights gained by the employees from the previous sessions. This Plan serves as their “compass” in finding their next job or career.

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