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CONSULTING SERVICES | Teambuilding Solutions

"In a study by the Center for Creative Leadership of top American and European executives whose careers derailed, the inability to build and lead a team was one of the most common reasons for failure. Team skills, which had been of little consequence in a similar study in the early 1980s, had emerged as a key mark of leadership ten years later. By the 1990s, teamwork became the most frequently valued managerial competence in studies of organizations around the world."


- Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence


The use of work teams is the most powerful organizational concept since the Roman Legions. Where teams have been effectively organized and led, the list of team outcomes have led to dramatic improvements in productivity, customer service, quality, process management, innovation, cost effectiveness, job satisfaction, morale, and financial performance.

Good managers have always fostered teamwork. But highly effective leaders are now showing the performance power of building a team-based organization.

However, team building is not an easy task. Teams require training, compatible work flow, compatible organization structures, a supportive management, and yes, even creativity and innovation!

Partner with us and we'll work with you to create and sustain high performing teams and effective team players you need to win the global market place.


Our Suite of Teambuilding Solutions (Implemented In-house or Off-Site)


  • Team Profiling and Analysis (using Harrison Asessments)

  • Cooking-based Teambuilding Sessions

  • Teambuilding Through Management Games

  • Out-Door Teambuilding

  • Custom-made Teambuilding Solutions


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Harrison Assessments Logo is owned by Harrison Assessments Int'l. Ltd and used here with permission.

The HR Agenda and JHRS logos are registered trademarks and properties of The Japan HR Society (JHRS) and used here with permission.

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