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Helping you achieve breakthroughs in performance and profitability.

What's New


We are in the business of helping organizations increase their profitability and competitive advantage through talent acquisition, HR advisory & consulting, HR and business process outsourcing, Japan market entry, learning & development, and HR publishing.


Learn more about HRCKK's suite of HR services and solutions for corporate clients.


We are lead and composed of professionals who have one thing in common: PASSION.


  • Passion to HELP and SERVE.

  • Passion towards EXCELLENCE.

  • Passion to WIN. 


Read on to learn more about us and our Team.


Business is all about people. As such, it is but natural that we also cater to the learning and developmental needs of individuals who chose to partner with us and help them achieve fulfilling professional and pesonal ives.


Explore HRCKK's suite of HR services and solutions for individual clients. 

Disclosures & Disclaimers


The HR Central K.K. logo and its associated service logos and slogans are registered trade/service marks and properties of HR Central K.K.

Harrison Assessments Logo is owned by Harrison Assessments Int'l. Ltd and used here with permission.

The HR Agenda and JHRS logos are registered trademarks and properties of The Japan HR Society (JHRS) and used here with permission.

All other contents and materials © 2008 onwards by HR Central K.K. All rights reserved.


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