Ten Years and Counting… JHRS 10th Year Anniversary | これまでの10年とこれから: 十周年を迎えたJHRS
Originally written in English
TEN YEARS. That’s how long The Japan HR Society (JHRS) has been advancing the practice of the HR profession in Japan.
Borne out of an idea from a gathering of seven “founding fathers” at a famous steakhouse in Japan, JHRS has since then evolved, transformed and expanded in breadth and depth.
Mid 2007 – Founded JHRS (formerly JHRL) as a LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3755) End 2007 – Branched out and launched the JHRS website (www.jhrs.org) 2010 – Formed JHRS Academy together with TUJ and eCornell (www.jhrs.org/academy) 2010 – Launched AskHR (www.jhrs.org/askhr) 2010 – Spoke at 8th Annual Shared Services & Outsourcing for HR in Singapore 2011 – Established licensing agreement with Knowledge@Wharton 2011 – Launched JHRS HR Legal Clinic (www.jhrs.org/hrclinic), HR-on-the-Go (http://www.jhrs.org/hr-on-the-go) and JHRS YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/japanhrsociety) 2011 - Published The HR Agenda– the first & only bilingual HR magazine in Japan (www.jhrs.org/hr_agenda) 2011 – Spoke at SHRM Annual Conference in Las Vegas (the 1st concurrent speaker from Japan) 2012 – Introduced HR Certification Program through HRCI (www.jhrs.org/certification) 2012 – Spoke at Global HR Excellence in Kuala Lumpur 2013 – Spoke at 3rd Annual Business Transformation, Outsourcing and Shared Services Summit Japan 2014 – Established media partnership with WIN Annual Conference, GOLD Symposium and HR Japan Summit 2015 – Conducted the 1st SHRM STRATEGIC HR: Delivering Business Results Seminar-Workshop in Japan 2015 – Launched The JHRS HR Compliance Made Simple Workshops 2016 – Spoke at the 5th Annual HR Agenda: Looking Ahead Conference in Singapore 2017 – Conducted the 1st Workshop on Agile and Rating-free Performance Management in Japan 2017 – Introduced JHRS Lifetime Professional Membership 2017 – Spoke at SHRM Annual Conference in New Orleans (as the only concurrent speaker from Japan)
Indeed, JHRS as a community of Japan-focused HR professionals worldwide has come a long way. We would like to believe that all the activities and events we have conducted in the past 10 years have somehow positively impacted on how YOU as a Japan HR professional view and practice your profession; that all the articles we have written for The HR Agenda (now celebrating its 6th Year Anniversary in this issue) have raised the bar of HR journalism in Japan and have facilitated the exchange and development of the HR body of knowledge that affects and influences the practice of HR in Japan; and that all the connections and relationships we have forged with you and our partners in the past decade will continue to become stronger in the next decade or so.
What have we achieved together?
1,200+ registered members
50+ JHRS-hosted events, courses and seminars
200+ people attended JHRS-hosted events
60+ JHRS-partnered events, conferences and seminars as a supporting organization and/or as a media partner
10+ partnerships and alliances with domestic and international HR associations
23 themes and 290+ articles written for The HR Agenda Magazine
The journey continues… Have we reached our destination? Absolutely not. Far from it. There is still much to be done and to strive for.
From our end, in the next 10 years, we would like to do the following:
Reorganize the JHRS Board of Advisers and Management Committee. Send me an email at jun@jhrs.org if you are interested to be considered.
Conduct annual to bi-annual JHRS Conferences. Contact us at events@jhrs.org if you want to become a sponsor or speak at these conferences.
Launch JHRS HR Awards and Scholarship Fund.
Launch Japan HR Certification System (in English and Japanese) and Japan Payroll Professional Certification System (in English and Japanese).
Get “Special Interest NPO status” for JHRS.
And many more...
However, we would like to hear from YOU. What would you like JHRS to become in the next five or 10 years? What programs, advocacy or services you need that JHRS can help you with? How would you like to be involved in making JHRS a thriving and positive force of change to further advance the HR profession in Japan? Get in touch with me at jun@jhrs.org and we can start from there.
But for now, cheers to you and to all of our members, partners, supporters and friends. Thanks for being part of our journey for the last decade and we hope you will be there with us in the next 10 years and beyond.
10年。The Japan HR Society(JHRS)が、HRという専門職の実践を日本で推進して10年もの歳月が経ったとは。
2007年中ごろ・・・LinkedIn Group(https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3755)としてJHRS(以前は「JHRL」)がスタート。 2007年末・・・活動拡大の一環としてJHRSウェブサイト(www.jhrs.org)がスタート。 2010年・・・TUJとeCornellとの協働で「JHRSアカデミー」(www.jhrs.org/academy)を創設。 2010年・・・「HRに聞け」(www.jhrs.org/askhr)がスタート。 2010年・・・シンガポールで開催された第8回「Annual Shared Services & Outsourcing for HR」で講演。 2011年・・・「Knowledge@Wharton」とライセンス契約を締結。 2011年・・・3つの新しいプロジェクトである「HR法律相談」(www.jhrs.org/hrclinic)、「HR-on-the-Go 」(http://www.jhrs.org/hr-on-the-go)、「YouTubeチャンネル」(https://www.youtube.com/user/japanhrsociety)がスタート。 2011年・・・日本における最初で唯一の2か国語HR専門誌「The HR Agenda」(www.jhrs.org/hr_agenda)を創刊。 2011年・・・アメリカ・ラスベガスで開催された「SHRM 年次大会」で、日本からの初めての分科会スピーカー。 2012年・・・「HRCI」を通じて「HR検定プログラム」(www.jhrs.org/certification)を導入。 2012年・・・マレーシア・クアラルンプールで開催された「Global HR Excellence」で講演。 2013年・・・日本で開催された第3回「Annual Business Transformation, Outsourcing and Shared Services Summit」で講演。 2014年・・・「WIN Annual Conference」「GOLD Symposium」「HR Japan Summit」という3つの国際会議とメディアパートナー契約を締結。 2015年・・・第1回「SHRM STRATEGIC HR: Delivering Business Results Seminar-Workshop in Japan」を開催。 2015年・・・「The JHRS HR Compliance Made Simple」ワークショップをスタート。 2016年・・・シンガポールで開催された第5回「 Annual HR Agenda: Looking Ahead Conference」で講演。 2017年・・・第1回「Workshop on Agile and Rating-free Performance Management in Japan」を開催。 2017年・・・「JHRS Lifetime Professional Membership」制度を導入。 2017年・・・アメリカ・ニューオリンズで開催される「SHRM 年次大会」で、日本からの唯一の分科会スピーカー。
日本に焦点を当てた世界中のHRプロの集まりであるJHRSはこの10年、大きな成長を遂げてきた。私たちが過去10年の中で実施した活動とイベントはみな、日本のHRプロとしての読者がその仕事をどう見、どう実践するかに何らかの形で積極的な影響を与えてきたし、「The HR Agenda」(本誌も今号をもって創刊6周年を迎える)のために私たちが書いた記事はどれも、日本におけるHRジャーナリズムの水準を引き上げただけでなく、日本におけるHRの実践に影響を与えるHR知識の交換と発展を促してきた。そしてまた、過去10年の中で私たちが築いてきた読者とパートナー各位との結び付きと関係のすべては、これからの10年間そしてそれ以降も強固なものになっていくに違いない―そう私たちは信じたいと思う。
「The HR Agenda」に掲載したテーマは全部で23、寄稿された記事は290本以上
“旅”はこれからも続く 私たちはもう目的地に着いたのだろうか。それは明らかに違う。私たちがやらなければならないこと、努めなければならないことはまだたくさん残っている。
「JHRS HR各賞」と「スカラシップ基金」を創設すること。
「日本HR検定制度」および「日本給与業務専門職検定制度 」(共に日英両言語で)を開始する。
JHRSが「特別NPO資格 」を取得する。