HR METRICS AND ANALYTICS: When Facts and Numbers Matter... Even in HR | HRのメトリクス(指標)とアナリティクス(分析): 事実
Originally written in English

Are you suffering from the “Trump Syndrome”? Here's how data can save HR from this costly affliction.
For the past 15 months, the world has been a silent observer of probably the most consequential elections in U.S. presidential race. And we did so with great anxiety, concern, and yes, even fanfare especially when Republican candidate Donald J. Trump takes the stage and starts talking. His speeches have largely been discredited by fact checkers as baseless, distorted and contradictory. His statements have been called out for being downright myths, lies and figments of his own imagination. Collectively, I call these the “Trump syndrome” which is really just a simple term for the tendency of a person to speak or make judgements without the benefit of facts, numbers, logic, reasoning or science.
Unfortunately, many people think HR also suffers from the Trump syndrome.
As an example, as many of you know, I teach a required MBA course on human resources management (HRM) at GLOBIS University, Japan’s largest MBA school. At the start of the course, I ask the students what’s the first thing that comes into their minds when they hear the term “HR.” I get the same sets of answers every time: recruiting, employee relations, compensation, benefits, performance management, training and development, employee engagement, and so on.
Now when you ask the same question but this time change HR to “accounting,” “finance,” or even “marketing,” most often than not you’ll get answers around financial ratios, debits and credits, accounts payables and receivables, market shares, market penetration rates, customer satisfaction rates, etc.
So what’s the difference? HR is readily more associated with the qualitative tasks and accounting, finance or marketing with the quantitative tasks. That is, HR seems to suffer from a perception problem, one that stereotypes the profession as only capable of doing the “soft” or “touchy” part of the business. Bluntly speaking, most people think that HR can’t speak numbers — arguably the basic language of business.
How did this happen?
For a long time and until now, HR has never been a recognized profession especially in Japan. In fact, not one school in Japan offers an undergraduate degree in HRM. If HR is taught, it is most likely one of the subjects in another course like MBA, or as part of a continuing education program.
For most HR professionals in Japan, they landed in HR because of job rotation. Some went to HR purely by accident or by chance while others ended up in HR because HR was the last place that they can be placed at, i.e., a dumping ground for an organization’s “basket of unplaceables.” (Suggested Reading: Why Are You in HR?: A Hint -- It Shouldn’t be Just About the People, The HR Agenda Magazine, Oct-Dec 2013 issue)
In the absence of the rigor and academic discipline that goes with a formal study of HRM in a school or university, HR has unfortunately floundered to do its job based on gut feelings, hunches, “human relationship,” established policies and procedures, “best practices,” and politicking and policing. In my more than 25 years of HR experience and meetings with hundreds of HR professionals, I know very few HR professionals who make their decisions based on a mix of “soft” and “hard” data such as HR metrics and analytics. In fact, I haven’t heard of an HR professional being called a “geek” or a “nerd” much like engineers or programmers are most likely to be called as such.
Why facts and numbers matter... even in HR
Simple answer: Because what you can measure, you can improve. In addition, the use of facts and numbers help us to be more objective. If the data and facts are collected in a scientific manner, it adds more credibility to the decision-making process so that business can make informed decisions.
As steward of an organization’s most important asset, its people, HR professionals are in a unique and opportune position to influence and shape performance by using people metrics and analytics. If you are in recruiting, metrics like cost-per-hire, quality of hire, and time-to-hire are just some of the numbers that you need to know to formulate an effective talent acquisition strategy.
If you are in training and development, the RoT (return-on-training) and Training Effectiveness (TE) of your training programs would probably top the list of the key indicators that you need to know and use to maximize your investment in people.
Similarly, if you are doing compensation and benefits, the knowledge on which percentile your organization is paying versus the market (i.e., below, at par, or above the market) will help your organization attract and retain talent.
This may come as a surprise for many HR professionals but in reality, there are numerous metrics and analytics that HR can use to measure and shape the performance of people and the organization. That is, HR can also be ruled by numbers. In this issue of The HR Agenda, we provide some of the most important and useful concepts according to the experts in this field. We are truly grateful for their contributions in helping transform HR from an art to a science, which is really the first step in elevating HR to a recognized profession inside and outside of Japan.
Facts and numbers matter even in HR because when HR bases its decisions on facts and numbers and not just on feelings, broken assumptions or even cultural inertia, HR can make better people decisions which truly matters in business because after all, as Jack Welch once said, “Business is about people.”

トランプ・シンドローム”にあなたは罹っていないか? データはこうして高価な痛手からHRを救うことができる。
違いは何か? HRはすぐに質に結び付けられるのに対して、経理、財務、マーケティングは量に結び付けられるということだ。つまり、HRはビジネスのソフト部分、気難しい部分をするだけの能力がある専門職であるという固定観念で見られているという認知上の問題に悩まされているということだ。はっきり言って、HRにはビジネスの基本言語である数字を語る能力がないと考えている人が多いのだ。
日本のたいていのHR従事者にとってHRは人事配置で就いた職に過ぎなかったりする。またある人たちにとってはHRに来たのはたまたまだったり、最後の行き場、すなわち、企業内で他に行き場のない者たちの溜まり場だから来たりしたというのだ(本誌2013年10-12月号「あなたがHRの世界にいる“理由” ヒント—HRの仕事は人間だけが相手ではない」参照のこと)
HRプロにとっては驚きかも知れないが、実のところ、人と企業のパフォーマンスを計測し、形作るためにHRが利用できる指標と分析がたくさんある。すなわち、HRも数によって管理することができるのだ。「The HR Agenda」本号において、この分野の専門家たちが最も重要で役に立つ概念のいくつかを提供している。HRを技から科学へと換えることに貢献している彼らに感謝したい。それは日本国内外でHRを認知された職業へと高めていく、まさしくその第一歩と言えるものである。