The HR Agenda Marks Anniversary, Moves Forward With Changes | 創刊4年目を迎える「 The HR Agenda」は、 変化を伴いながら、
Originally written in English
This issue marks the fourth-year anniversary of The HR Agenda magazine. We are truly thankful to the many people and organizations who helped transform a vision of publishing Japan’s first and only bilingual HR-focused magazine into reality.
We wish to thank first of all, our advertisers and institutional partners for helping The HR Agenda get off the ground. Second, our contributors and subject-matter experts (local and foreign) for sharing their thoughts and ideas, which really help the magazine fulfill its primary mission. Third, our dedicated, committed and professional editorial and creative/design team who labor day-in and day-out to produce a truly world-class HR publication. And last but not least, to all of our JHRS members and magazine readers, who remain our inspiration for continuing what we do on the pages of The HR Agenda.
In the past 4 years, we have published articles that covered not only those related to the basic HR value chain of recruitment, retention and release, but also other advanced HR practices and thought leadership in the areas of diversity and inclusion, talent mobility, governance and ethics, etc. We have also become a preferred media partner for both domestic and international HR-related conferences or events which has given The HR Agenda undisputed recognition as Japan’s premier HR media partner.
However, The HR Agenda is still a workin-progress and will continue to evolve in its nature and operations to better meet the needs of its readers while fulfilling its stated mission.
Hence, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know of the following changes that will be made with The HR Agenda:
Effective from this issue, The HR Agenda will become a trimestral publication (i.e., three times a year) with the following publication dates: July-October, November-February and March-June. This change is being made in order to maximize the allocation of our rather limited resources and to provide a longer “shelf life” for our advertisers and supporters.
Subject to available financial resources from advertising and subscription fees, the anniversary issue (July-October) will continue to be a print and digital version while the remaining issues will continue to be digital-only versions.
In terms of article submissions, we will give priority consideration to those articles written in both English and Japanese to help save on translation costs. Note, however, that potential contributors can still submit articles either in English or Japanese and will solely be published in their original language of submission if they meet our editorial standards.
Regular features of the magazine such as Publisher’s Message, Editor’s Note, Editorial, and Feature Story will continue to be published in both English and Japanese.
In the near future, digital-only and out-ofprint issues of the magazine may be ordered on-demand with a minimum order of one copy. We are currently negotiating with a service provider to make this happen and will make an announcement once this is finalized.
We will also be reviewing our current AppStore and GooglePlay magazine apps in order to increase sales of the digital versions of The HR Agenda.
As needed, we may also implement other changes in the format, delivery and pricing of The HR Agenda in order to ensure its survival without compromising our high editorial standards.
If you have other suggestions or changes that you would like to see at The HR Agenda, just let me know at and help us improve to serve your HR reading needs better.
Again, on behalf of the editorial team and the entire JHRS community, thank you for supporting The HR Agenda and we are truly indebted to your continued patronage and support. Enjoy reading our four-year anniversary issue!
「The HR Agenda」は今号で記念すべき創刊4周年を迎えました。「日本初、唯一の2か国語人材(HR)専門誌」というビジョンの実現に力を貸してくださった多くの人たちと団体に、この機会に心から感謝を申し上げます。
何より感謝しているのは、「The HR Agenda」の“離陸”を助けてくださった広告主とパートナー企業各社です。次に、(国内外の)本誌寄稿者と各テーマの専門家各位にも深く感謝します。彼らがその考えと知識を惜しみなく披瀝してくださったからこそ、本誌の最重要の使命が実現したことは多言を要しません。そして第三に感謝したいのは、真に世界的なHR専門誌をつくるために昼夜を問わず働いてくれている、献身的で誠実な、そしてプロフェッショナルな編集、創作、デザインチームの諸氏です。むろん、わがJHRSの全会員および本誌読者各位も忘れてはおりません。私たちがこうして、「The HR Agenda」の1ページ1ページを展開できるのも、JHRS会員と読者各位より寄せられるインスピレーション(ひらめき)があるからにほかならない―私はそう考えています。
とはいえ、「The HR Agenda」はいまだ“発展途上”にあり、読者ニーズによりよく応えその使命を達成しつつ、これからも“進化”を続けるでしょう。そこでこの機会に、「The HR Agenda」が行う、以下の変更をお伝えしたいと思います。
「The HR Agenda」は今号より年3回の発行になります。発行期日は、7-10月号、11-2月号、3-6月号です。この措置は、私たちが持つ限られた資源を最大化するとともに、本誌広告主や支援者の皆さんのため“陳列期間”を少しでも長くするために行うものです。
本誌はまた、現在の「App Store」と「Google play」といった電子雑誌購読アプリを見直しており、それによってデジタル版のさらなる販売強化を図る所存です。
各位におかれても本誌に関するその他のご助言やアイデアがありましたら、ぜひjun@jhrs.orgまでお知らせください。「The HR Agenda」に対するニーズにさらに応えるため、皆さまのお力をお借りしたいと念じています。
最後に、本誌編集チームと全JHRSコミュニティーを代表し、「The HR Agenda」に対する皆さまのご支援に重ねて感謝するとともに、これからも引き続きご鞭撻・ご協力を賜りたく謹んでお願い申し上げます。4周年記念号をどうぞごゆっくりお楽しみください。